
Caring too much

10:31 PM

I think I care too much. I'm afraid of judgements and I care a lot more about what people think of me than I should. I'm worried that people dislike/hate me. I try my very best to be nice to everyone so that conflicts don't arise. Is being nice a bad thing? Will my niceness and kindness be a weakness of mine? And that I'd be taken advantage of? I feel like this niceness is becoming a definition of me. It's unpleasant to know that people think I'm nice, but that just sounds awfully boring and like I have no other personality other than being a nice person. My friend told me that the vibe I give off resembles a doormat. Which is kind of undesirable? It's sounds like I'm an extremely boring person that can be stepped all over? I've always felt like I'm an extremely boring person that doesn't attract much attention from people. Thinking that I'm socially awkward and boring which is why people just don't click with me or is just merely an acquaintance. I feel like I'm easily forgotten and mostly invisible. I try my best to talk to people and try to connect with them but I'm probably off their social circle radar. I'm kinda tired of people just thinking that I'm nice and that's the end of it. This insecurity and fear of judgements is overwhelming me. I'm envious of people who can have quite a big social circle with many close friends. I'm not saying I don't have close friends but sometimes these close friends have their own other friends, and I sometimes just feel quite left out. That's when I feel lonely. This is definitely different from being alone. I like solitude. But this is a different thing altogether. I'm a hypersensitive person who tends to over think and feel things too deeply. And it's exhausting being a highly sensitive person because all these emotions just get caught up with me, overwhelming me and make me a mess. It takes a while for me to get comfortable around people and it takes even longer for people to get to know me. Mainly because it takes a while for people to earn my trust? I tend to keep quite a lot of things to myself before things get too much and I need to get everything out of my system. When I'm upset, I like to have my space and I need to wait for the "right" moment to talk it out. Usually by then I'm already an emotional wreck. I take a lot of things personally, and its really bad. I think too much into things. Most people just think I'm a super cheerful person but the truth is contrary to that, I'm actually quite negative. Maybe I'm a bit better now? More positive? Either that or I can hide it better. I don't want cause any problems for people and just prefer to keep my problems and feelings hidden. Which also comes back to what people think of me. I don't want to be a doormat and my friend mentioned that either I have a breakthrough to alter my image or just face the fact that I can't please each and everyone. Sometimes its not worth it to chase a friendship that is not meant to be. I think a breakthrough since appropriate but its not as easy as it sounds. I guess this blog is just a medium for me to express my feelings instead of just bottling up. Its thoroughly exhausting and I don't know what to do to get rid of these feelings. 


Singles Awareness Day!

11:02 PM

Starting off with a video to share with you people out there. Okay technically Valentines day is over in Singapore, but I'm sure there're countries still celebrating it! To all those who are all lovey dovey in a relationship, good for you? (I guess.. If that's what makes you happy) But to all those Singletons out there. Fret not! I'm here for you, actually we have an internet support group that would have your back. I mean, not everyone is attached and you don't need a significant other to feel good about yourself. Girls out there, we need no man. We don't need guys to buy us stuff to make ourselves happy, we can buy chocolate for ourselves. I mean think about it. And it's not the end of the world if you're not in a relationship, I'm not in a relationship. (Well, maybe i'm just socially awkward and don't talk to the male species in general) BUT IT'S OKAY. EVERYTHING'S ALRIGHT. I for one had dinner with my best friend last night, so one tip for all those singletons out there, having a fun day/night out with your friends/family. It doesn't matter if you're surrounded by couples, DARE TO BE DIFFERENT. Defy the norm, I mean conforming to the norm is so over rated. And if your friends/family are attached or have plans already, you can still have a great time on your own. If you don't want to feel miserable having to go out and see all these lovebirds in your face, just stay in. Sleep the whole night away, have a good rest and it's the perfect time coz' no one will bother you. And the night will be over so quickly you'll never know. Or you know, have some me time. If you have a pet, hug it. Have some awesome food and watch a movie or two. Watch a tv series like Friends (coz' its awesome and hilarious) Read a book. Do things that you usually have no time for. And i feel like it's so cliched for all the couples to have to get out and have dinner, I mean you'd rather feel love all year round than just this one day. Valentines day is just another Friday, so those who feel really bothered by having no valentine? Just don't. It's okay to not have a Valentine. Plus point for not being in a relationship? You save lots of money, i mean you just need to spend on yourself. You don't need to spend on another person, that's half what those in a relationship have to spend (okay, maybe not so true in mathematical terms...) We're here for each other. :D

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