Goodbye 2017

5:57 PM

As 2017 comes to an end and as clichéd as it is, its time to summarise and reflect on the past year. I believe the first half of the year was a lil emotional (I mean what's new), a lot of overthinking and over reacting on my part possibly. A hell lot of internal turmoil and insecurities surfaced. However, I took a break and distanced myself from people that sorta triggered those negative feelings indirectly. Honestly, these people weren't toxic and its probably a lot of it being in my head, but some people just weren't suppose to be in your life forever, and you probably would have realised that. An accumulation of resentment and grieving over friendships lost but I think over the past year I've honestly learnt to let things go. Does it still hurt when looking back at it, yes, a little. However, I just have to move on and just focus on the good memories. They left a mark in my life and I learnt from the experience. So that's that. 

Had my first internship in a startup and though it was totally not what I expected, but overall the experience wasn't a bad one. The people I've met through it were nice enough, and surprisingly I'm still working for them. Not sure if i'm regretting that decision but it'll be a short stint, so hopefully it'll be a quick and painless one! 

Can't believe i'm in my third year for uni? Where has all the time gone to??? Time needs to slow down a little. The semester was hard even though I only had 4 modules. The number of late nights i've pulled rushing assignments and projects (partially because procrastination. coughs coughs.) However, it was really fulfilling at the same time? I worked hard for those projects and assignments and the end result to me was really satisfying. Grades wise, maybe it doesn't totally reflect it, but I know I did put in my best for those. Still that lazy ass studying wise but in terms of group work, I really worked for those and really enjoyed working with my group mates too. And on that note, I'm part of a startup now??? I'm not exactly sure if i'm considered an intern or what but i'm kinda heading the marketing aspect so that's sorta cool. (super stressed out about it too) It just kinda happened, like one of my project group mates somehow saw some sort of potential in me (this is madness and i'm super flattered) and asked me to join them. Of course I still had be to interviewed by the other co-founder, and that was a whole stressful situation on its own. It really is jumping into unknown territories and I am hella uncomfortable and unsure. But here's to pushing my limits I guess??? Wish me luck and hope I really don't disappoint.

Amongst other cool things that happened this year, I tried out ballet! Really had fun in ballet classes with my friend, Rebe. And so thankful for her to get me on that, its just enjoyable and yes I still can't pirouette but i'll get there. Eventually. Also, had my first half marathon???? Thought signing up for that would force me to get up my ass and exercise more but that didn't exactly happen... I tried though. I really did. And even with the lack of training, I still managed to run 3/4 of the whole thing and survived. A pat on my back for that? 

This holiday was a really fruitful one, worked to earn that moolah and just anticipating new and exciting things to come! Also, my first time travelling to Taiwan! Enjoyed myself there and really miss the sweater weather, the friendly people (some not so friendly ones as well), the language (missed speaking mandarin and watching taiwanese dramas and Chinese songs??? so much of my childhood memories) and the country. 

All in all, I would say 2017 was a pretty good year, even with those sucky parts and lots of self doubt, it kinda closed on a good note? (with some overwhelming news but still exciting nevertheless). I definitely grew a little more and am thankful for those opportunities given to me. Grateful for the people around me, even though I don't have many friends but I've learnt to appreciate them, and those little quality time I get to spend with them. I'm on the road of self discovery and I'm loving it. 

En route to 2018 and the adventure it'll lead me on. Cheers!

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