End of my Interact journey

6:04 PM

So last wednesday was Interact Investiture, which was also the day I've officially stepped down from Interact Club. Being an Interactor for about 2 and a half years had been alright but the thing I love most is that I've met some of the nicest people. I don't think I regretted joining Interact because at least I've tried something different since I've been a Chorister throughout primary and secondary school. Cliched as it sounds, I really wanted to help the community even though I believed I hardly made a difference in people's lives and honestly, I don't think I am the nicest or kindest or the most pure hearted person. I try to be, but I'm not perfect and I can admit I'm selfish at times. I'm glad that I've met different people in the club, and though we may not be the closest, but going for CCA with them really brightens up my day. I've met some of the funniest, nicest, friendliest and kindest people and without them, I don't think my Interact journey would have been as fun and fulfilling. What my weekly community service (CommServe) was to go down to the centre and tutor kids. I felt really stupid for not choosing the organisation wisely back when I first applied for Interact club, because I was allocated in an organisation located at Bukit Batok, which was horribly far way from my house. A trip from my house would take up 45min-1 hour but at least I had a direct bus. I don't think I was all that great as a tutor and I was not the most patient person well. Some of the kids were nice, some not so much... But I've managed to come thus far and I do hope that they did learn something from me, no matter how much they disliked me. I guess the greatest achievement I got from Interact was to travel to Batam (not very far but still overseas) for OCIP trip. It was terribly short but I felt useful since I was able to speak in Bahasa Indonesia. Despite having a rather unreasonable teacher in charge, though she can be nice at times, I'm still proud to be an Interactor, coz' god knows I just talked nonsense during the interview and is just lucky enough to get in. Love the people there and IG4 might not be the most bonded of groups but the people in it are still pretty amazing. 

Some of IG4 '2013, the funniest and friendliest people!

IG4'2014, though I'm not as close to them, still some of the nicest bunch!
 The original Tuesday Commserve peeps! <3 p="">
 Love this photo coz' it looks good hahahah. But with the sweetest CSD IG4'2013!
Gifts from the juniors and CSD 2014, but sadly she was in Europe(lucky girl!) for some school Econs trip. Love the gift even though the juniors totally don't know us well.

IG4 seniors and juniors of 2014 

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