
January & February 2015

2:04 AM

Its been a month! And I wanted to post all the happy stuff before tomorrow when my mood is likely to be shitty. The long awaited (for me) January & February compilation! 
My friends came to visit me at work which was really sweet for them! But we took this chance to celebrate my friend's Birthday! I think she was slightly surprised! SO SUCCESS!
Thats about it in January since I was mostly working, sleeping and eating. Social life = 0

Come February which is nearing Chinese New Year, we had to have our yearly steamboat reunion dinner just the four of us and my sis' boyfriend & not to forget our dog! Who had too much tofu and puked right after that.
We also went back to Jakarta for the new year! Our flight was delayed once again... No surprise there. But the above picture was taken after our reunion dinner with my maternal extended family. My sis, me and my nieces! I have no idea what I was looking at... Ruining a perfectly good picture.
Second day of CNY, a family photo.
Also I forgot to mention that I had been coughing and had a major runny nose for 2 weeks leading up to CNY... My nose had been a real joy to have... And when I got back to Singapore... That turned into a fever and non stop puking. That was not fun.. AT ALL. Seems like I'm more suited to stay in Indo than to come back. Appetite has not been good, you know how miserable it is to look at all the good food and yet not able to devour them all???

This was taken Friday night with my colleagues who have left me behind... :(( 
Gonna be missing them... Also fewer lunch buddies at work. Thankful to have met them though! That's about it for the 2 months, nothing much exciting since I've been holed up either in the office or home. I think I have some missing events in between but these were basically the bigger moments? Hope y'all had been well for the past 2 months! Now I have to get back to reality and my nerves. Till next time!

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