Hey people on the internet! I'm currently on my mid term break which doesn't even seem like a break at all since I'm going to school almost every single day this week? Uni life was totally not what i expected it to be. Endless projects and so much to catch up on, its overwhelming me. I had my mid terms and they are already pretty terrible. I'm horrible at time management and I feel so dumb in uni because everyone else in comparison just seem to have their life together and are able to understand things being taught. Where here I am, drowning in the big sea, barely surviving. I'm being deprived of sleep trying to get things done and just so so tired. There are many times I'm just questioning all my life choices, whether I even fit in? And I'm just so afraid that history will repeat whereby I just break down and give up.
Though I've met some pretty nice people in school, I just wonder if those friendships will last, whether they'll become my close friends or not. Everybody is just everywhere and sometimes I miss my old friends so much. But everyone's just so busy with their own lives, its difficult to catch up with them & there's always this fear that those friendships will eventually fade away, fear that I will be replaced or maybe I'm just not that important to them as they are to me.
Projects are the worst. Grouping with people you don't know and meeting people that just work so differently, its difficult to get things done. You're forced to work with people you know you will never be friends with, as sad as it sounds. And people say uni is easier, bunch of liars, all of them. So so exhausted.