
Picking Yourself Up From A Rut

9:10 PM

Even Castles made of sand, fall into the sea, eventually.

There have been many times I will fall into a rut and form a pity party for myself, usually during the midst of the school semester when the stress gets overwhelming. I've recently read an article on thoughtcatalog (its pretty addictive even if some articles aren't all that great, but mostly relatable for me), and I agree to the writer's standpoint. (Becca Martin's articles on the site are pretty well written actually) More often than not, I pick at my own flaws and insecurities, I'm not entirely sure if its me overthinking things, but in these situations, I fall into this trap of self-pity and I guess hatred for myself and the world? Be it physical appearance, or times where I feel that I'm not enough, I'll fall into this state of depression (maybe melancholy is a better word, because I don't think I'm depressed? like you just happen to have bad days). I will hide, avoid human interaction and all forms of communication. I guess in a way I'm trying to shy away from the real world and just want to deal with these thoughts alone. I feel lonely sometimes, but yet I want to be alone, its a very bizarre contradiction but that's exactly how I feel. Partially because i'm afraid that people might not understand where I'm coming from, being a hypersensitive person and also I'm not that sure who I can really confide in. 

I guess the article really puts me into perspective, everyone's obsessed with their own problems and they are not obliged to be there for you every single time. Are words of affirmation really enough to settle my insecurities? Is that really what I want? Most of the times, I don't know what I want and that's an issue. Happiness comes from within and not found in other people. The phrase, "other people have it worst than you do", sometimes its like a reminder that hey, you don't deserve to feel upset about such a trivial thing, its like a first world problem and you're being self-centered, but at the same time, don't we all deserve to have our bad days and feel upset about certain things? Nobody is happy 100% of the time, nobody is perfect and we all have our bad days. As much as your friends and family might be able to cheer you up a little, they're not always there by your side, and you have to realise that the only person you can depend on, is yourself. I guess that's a scary thought as well, its not that you cannot trust anyone, but the fact that not everyone can be trusted. However, the real monsters are still the monsters in our heads and I really hope that I can beat those monsters. 

I'm still very lost and I really want to know what my end goals are, this will probably take a while. Well for now, I'll just wish to handle my emotions better and pull myself out of those pity parties I tend to have. 

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