Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for 2 weeks but i'm trying to eliminate distractions so yes blogging is one of them, which I don't even think I've been very successful anyway... So yes i''m hoping and praying really hard that a miracle can happen and I won't screw up As badly... Its terrifying. Laziness is like a part of me now that I can't even control distractions are EVERYWHERE. Whoever that's reading this blog please pray for me too, I desperately need it.
By the way I'm effing terrified by you readers coz' I have no flipping idea who y'all are and I'm trying my best to not put myself so out there. Whatever thats on the internet stays on the internet and I have no idea if whatever I've written would be placed against me sometime in the future. I'm fine with strangers reading all these but people who know me personally? (Or just people around me in general) its quite embarrassing & awkward. And you know what if I happen to be ranting about them or something (which I shouldn't be putting online but this was meant to be an outlet and to talk about things I like) So yes especially seeing readers from Singapore, effing scary.
Anyway back to the song its from the movie The Princess Diaries, which was originally a book series, one of my favourite Disney movie of all time, Anna Hathaway anyone? And also I love the books by Meg Cabot, not very educational but its funny and easy to read, sue me. The song is just a fun and uplifting so enjoy!
I'll be on hiatus for a month or so unless i decide to vent my frustrations about exams and stress(this better motivate me). The blog would likely be more interesting and more frequently updated after As coz I can then play without guilt! Till next time! Cheerio!