music lovin'

Music Lovin' #11 (Miracles Happen - Myra)

10:33 PM

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for 2 weeks but i'm trying to eliminate distractions so yes blogging is one of them, which I don't even think I've been very successful anyway... So yes i''m hoping and praying really hard that a miracle can happen and I won't screw up As badly... Its terrifying. Laziness is like a part of me now that I can't even control distractions are EVERYWHERE. Whoever that's reading this blog please pray for me too, I desperately need it. 

By the way I'm effing terrified by you readers coz' I have no flipping idea who y'all are and I'm trying my best to not put myself so out there. Whatever thats on the internet stays on the internet and I have no idea if whatever I've written would be placed against me sometime in the future. I'm fine with strangers reading all these but people who know me personally? (Or just people around me in general) its quite embarrassing & awkward. And you know what if I happen to be ranting about them or something (which I shouldn't be putting online but this was meant to be an outlet and to talk about things I like) So yes especially seeing readers from Singapore, effing scary.

Anyway back to the song its from the movie The Princess Diaries, which was originally a book series, one of my favourite Disney movie of all time, Anna Hathaway anyone? And also I love the books by Meg Cabot, not very educational but its funny and easy to read, sue me. The song is just a fun and uplifting so enjoy! 

I'll be on hiatus for a month or so unless i decide to vent my frustrations about exams and stress(this better motivate me). The blog would likely be more interesting and more frequently updated after As coz I can then play without guilt! Till next time! Cheerio!


All About That Bass (Meghan Trainor) Cover

10:30 PM

Hi people! I'm back with a cover of a song which I've been loving lately! All About The Bass! It's basically about loving yourself regardless of how you look which brings a great message about body image! Problems of body image is pretty prevalent in the world, girls especially because of how the media presents beauty. We see all the models on magazines and celebrities and we choose to believe that all these people depicts what we call beauty. However, they're not perfect, neither are we, but we are all beautiful in our own ways. Beauty is subjective and being skinny does not equate to being pretty. You should be confident, just because you may be a littler chubbier does not make you ugly. People do tell me that I'm fat and I'll get upset over those comments. So maybe I'm not one to convince you that you shouldn't let judgements get to you but I'm trying to ignore those comments. Its difficult, when I'm surrounded by people who are thinner than me and I do envy those people sometimes. However, you have to learn how to be confident in your own skin. I'm trying to lose weight, though I'm mostly caught between "I AM PERFECT JUST THE WAY I AM" & "I'M FAT", usually I'm just too lazy to make a change by exercising or eating healthier (less). Even if you want to lose weight, you should do it healthily and not go through extreme methods like extreme dieting or eating diet pills or result in an eating disorder. I know I'm not a professional but if you really want to slim down, you should exercise and eat healthy. Currently, I'm trying to get more active but the eating healthy part is not really in my routine because I LOVE food and also its pretty difficult to eat healthy since breakfast is not really within my control (I have to eat whatever my mum makes or what my dad buys), I have lunch in school and my dinner is catered from a catering service. 

To be more active, little changes like walking more or have really short workouts would be great, there are plenty of workouts on YouTube (check out blogilates) too. Check out this app PumpUp, which is basically like a social media platform for people trying to get fit. You'll get a lot of motivation from other users and some ideas as to what you can do! I know I'm getting a little addicted to the app. Exercising is great because it relieves stress from releasing endorphins and it is not just for losing weight but to stay fit too. 

Most importantly, you need to have the right mindset, you will do all these for yourself and not for other people (eg. trying to impress guys/girls). You shouldn't be ashamed of your body because nobody is perfect. Its okay if you look different, as long as you're living healthily and you feel good about yourself, nothing else matters. I might not be the most confident about how I look and it may seem ironic to say all these but I guess I'm trying to convince myself too.

On a side note, a social experiment was done to test how girls and guys will react if their date is fat (looking different from their Tinder profiles) and I can conclude that guys are superficial creatures. Girls, maybe its a good thing to be bigger since we'll know who are the superficial jerks and who are genuinely into you. Likewise for guys, but you'd be comforted by the fact that in the experiment where the guy is fat, all the girls actually stayed for the whole date.

Anyway, hope I didn't butcher the song! And remember:
“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” 
― Amy Bloom

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